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Preschools play a vital role in the foundation of child development and that’s what makes making the right choice so important. Among the various preschools in Delhi, Grow Inn Steps Preschool follows the principles of child development to the T. Every stage from play group to senior preschoolers is child-centred and receives complete attention as they are taught essential life skills. The importance of preschool education is that the child should have fun while learning.

Importance of preschool education

About 90 percent of a child’s brain develops between 0 and 3 years of age and by age 6, 95 percent of the brain has developed. Scientists have discovered through their research how quickly a child’s brain absorbs information from their environment, leading to the development of their social, linguistic, cognitive, emotional as well as gross and fine motor skills.

Their mind absorbs everything that comes their way and the experiences and exposure they get at this age remain with them throughout their life. This has made 0-6 years the best time for all-round development.

A changing trend has been observed as people have realized the importance of early childhood education. Parents are now offering more age-appropriate toys and equipment that are specifically designed to help children develop their brains and achieve milestones. Preschools like Grow Inn Steps are the perfect way to expose them to different experiences and a clear difference can be seen between children who have attended preschool and those who have not, in regular school and even later in life.

Various stages

Playschool is when children are encouraged to explore and discover things while developing basic language skills. They are encouraged to learn new-age skills and develop scientific thinking. Children are engaged physically, emotionally, and socially to develop these skills.

Nursery develops essential life skills while enhancing learning and interaction and Grow Inn Steps makes sure to make it fun with its exclusive activity kits. It encourages creativity and curiosity and improves imagination through music and art.

For junior preschoolers, Grow Inn Steps has special activities to hone language skills as well as special learning tools so they can express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings at their own pace.

Benefits of Preschool Education in Delhi

Due to the presence of trained professionals, every need and developmental achievement of the child is understood. They have both the resources and capacity to foster these skills and provide an intellectually stimulating environment for preschoolers. Children are given the opportunity to improve their cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and fine motor skills which will definitely boost their confidence.

A preschooler’s unique talents, whether it’s drawing, painting or building from blocks, are encouraged and supported.

Young children learn social and cognitive skills through hands-on activities designed to help them learn faster.

Preschools like Grow Inn Steps in Delhi cater to children from diverse cultures, exposing them to a diversity of cultures, languages, and appearances in a very positive environment.

Outdoor learning is encouraged and through observation, teachers understand what children are interested in. It inspires a love of learning.

In preschool, the child develops faster because preschools like Grow Inn Steps have a child-centric approach and create an engaging and supportive environment for the child to learn. They have a well-structured curriculum that promotes critical thinking and curiosity.

They provide personalized attention with trained and skilled faculty with a teacher-student ratio of 1:10.

The child-friendly and safe environment of preschools in Delhi provides your child with an enriching environment with stringent safety protocols and 24/7 CCTV surveillance.

Some preschools like Grow Inn Steps in Delhi have a Home Buddy app which is a platform for interactive learning beyond the classroom.

Making learning fun

Getting the right mix of learning and entertainment is not easy, but the best preschools in Delhi like Grow Inn Steps have achieved it and made early childhood education very popular. Adding fun elements to learning like textures, colors, or music, or vice versa, stimulates the child’s mind and keeps them engaged in the activity for longer periods of time.

As parents, although one always wants the best for one’s children, we may not always be ready to do so. It’s not just about buying expensive and fancy toys. Parents do not always have enough time to spend with children or have the knowledge necessary for the child’s development and sometimes there is not enough space in a safe environment for their child to move around freely. Can explore on your own.

A preschool like Grow Inn Steps offers all this and more. Trained professionals use tools and materials specifically designed to meet the developmental needs of different age groups so that they can achieve their goals. They are able to play and interact with their peer group and the activities are well thought out to develop specific skills and ensure the overall development of your child.

Today’s kids are exposed to a plethora of technology and they need someone to answer all their questions while they process what they see on the screen. With the advent of nuclear families and families with one child, children do not have other children to interact with or grandparents who can tell them stories or play with them.

Preschool gives children the opportunity to learn and explore with lots of fun. Teaching aids such as flashcards, puppets, field trips, 3D models, music, arts, crafts, water play, outdoor play, and sand play have become common today. They recognize that each child is unique and learns at a different pace. Every child is full of potential and there is no fixed way to teach them as they respond differently. Preschool sees that every child is an individual who will grow up to be a productive and responsible member of society.

The importance of preschool education cannot be emphasized enough and preschools like Grow Inn Steps in Delhi are doing an incredible job of giving children the opportunity to explore and develop to their full potential. Since not all preschools are equally good, you as a parent need to be extremely discerning while selecting the best one for your child. Contact Grow Inn Steps for more information and you will not regret your choice.

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